A Parental Guide to Growth Spurts in Babies

Babies tend to grow up quite fast. Therefore, if your little one grows out of her new romper soon, do not be surprised.
Further, this can even happen in a time of less than a week. Growth spurts in babies usually occur for the first year after they are born. There are times when parents may experience a sudden growth in their baby in just a day.
If your baby boy or girl is among those experiencing these, you need not worry. We have come up with a comprehensive guide regarding all your queries about growth spurts in babies.

Have a look:

What are Growth Spurts?

Growth spurts in babies are typically a rapid increase in the following:

  • Weight of the baby
  • Length of the baby
  • Circumference of the baby’s head
While this growth can be quite evident in some babies, you may not experience it at all in others.  However, you need not worry in case of the latter when the growth is not too noticeable. Just make it a priority to visit your kids’ pediatrician on a regular basis for checkups.
Once the doctor examines your baby, he will make a note of these growth spurts. And in case he feels that your little bundle of joy is not growing well, he will make suggestions for the same. Make sure to follow them to keep your baby healthy.

When do babies have them?

When it comes to growth spurts in babies, you cannot find a fixed pattern. In fact, these growth patterns can be different in the case of children.

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