Tips to Ensure a Sound Sleep for Your Baby

Source: Tips to Ensure a Sound Sleep for Your Baby

Sleeping is that time for your baby, when he grows, rests, and rejuvenates. Being a new mom making your baby fall asleep is a big challenge. From ensuring comfortable baby clothing to finding out the sleeping pattern for your baby, everything comes with its challenges.
It takes attention and proper monitoring from the part of the caretakers to analyze the needs of the baby and plan the daily chores accordingly.
Here are a few mistakes that should be avoided entirely to bring a healthy baby up:
  • Finding Signs of Sleepy Baby

Finding Signs of Sleepy Baby
The best and the most reliable way to keep a check on your baby’s need to sleep is the yawning. All the babies usually give the sign before actually wanting to sleep. You should check that two yawns in a row, and you should start changing kids wear to night dresses and take your baby direct to relax.
There might be some cases in which your baby will show irritated behavior, decreased activity, and even rubbing of eyes. Avoiding of signs from parents’ end can lead to crankiness in their babies.
In case your baby becomes cranky, a gentle sponge bath, with a sweet lullaby, can be soothing and sleep-inducing at the same time.
  • Short Naps are different from Sleeps

Short Naps are different from Sleeps
Your baby might take small naps during the day, but that does not mean a sound sleep. A nap is not complete and relaxing in any way. A full nap for your baby is sleep, not less than 45 minutes.
In case your baby wakes up anywhere between these 45 minutes, he might feel irritated and undoubtedly cranky. Such a short nap can not be counted on as a part of daily requirements, and you should make changes with his sleeping patterns to avoid restlessness.
  • Avoiding Baby with Bottles to the Bed

Avoiding Baby with Bottles to the Bed
Experts advise that putting your baby to sleep with a bottle is a nap time mistake. You might find that your baby feeling sleep faster with a bottle in the bed, but this makes him rely on the same.
Also, this can even increase the chances of choking, tooth decay, and ear infection. Therefore, it is advised to feed your baby with milk only during mealtime.
  • Waking up the baby to Ensure Night-time sleep

Waking up the baby to Ensure Night-time sleep
It is not the case with the babies that if they sleep during the day, they will find it hard to sleep at night. Your baby will surely enjoy a sound sleep in his cozy yet comfortable baby clothes during the night, even after having a long sleep at night.
Waking your baby up during his day time sleep will be no less than inviting trouble for yourself. It is always advised to wake your baby up only when you feel the need to change the diaper or the need to feed the baby.
  • Maintaining Consistent Sleep Schedule

Maintaining Consistent Sleep Schedule
 Babies will not set a fixed schedule for their sleep at once. Your baby's sleeping schedule will largely depend on your daily chores and the signs that you give your babies. Like changing their clothes to the more comfortable one will induce sleep and set their biological clock right.
You should try your best to set a sleeping pattern for your baby for his healthy growth. And while your baby is sleeping, try and maintain peace in the surroundings and avoid any disturbance.
  • Leaving Naps Incomplete

Leaving Naps Incomplete

A baby wakes up during the sleep only when he needs a diaper change or is hungry, or he is just disturbed. Also, your baby can show the need for sleeping again after all his needs are fulfilled. You can give a nice cuddle, pat, swaddle, or a breathable wrap. His sleeping time should not be mixed with the playing time, as it might cause discomfort and irritability.

Taking care of your little champ is not an easy task. The nap time division from the other activities shall be carefully planned as per your baby’s age and development stage.
According to many types of research about baby sleep, the following inference can be drawn:
  • Babies show maximum growth both physical as well as mental during a sound day and night time sleep.
  • Kids that are used to longer sleep are less irritable and more playful.
  • Your baby should take up a long and uninterrupted sleep to wake up jolly and fresh.

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